










:images diana murphy at swoond


sandy said...

Brava! Your blog is one of my favorite places to visit, and now there is expanded beauty! I have a Canon A590is and I have to say I'm a little jealous of the quality photos you get with your coolpix. ;)

The Clever Pup said...

I feel as if I could put my face right in them. They are so real. Thanks

emily said...

Pure gorgeous. You have so much talent - more than you ever let on here. Thank you for creating this space so we can get a better glimpse into your world. :) xox - em

Jen said...

I've never loved Peonies as much as now.

I can't wait for you to continue with this. SO exciting!

P. said...

Oh my god, I die from the beauty. LOVE IT, LOVE IT ALL.

xoxoxox, P.

Yoli said...

Oh how exquisite! I seldom see a peonie where I live. This is a beautiful treat.

Anonymous said...

so exquisite! wow. thank you.

boubou said...

Bonjour !
first time i come across your blog, so im gonan visit it now :)
well if you wanna be inspired by my collage or just dream, come and visit my blog :)
a bientot!
Boubouteatime xx

Lucys Lounge said...

really beautiful is it possible to follow your blog?

My Castle in Spain said...

oh to have one or two of those on my desk, near my bed...
pure gorgeousness!!

Félicitations for this new enchanting blog!

Washington Cube said...

I have GOT to go buy some peonies.

management traineeship said...

Those blooms are absolutely captivating. Wonderful post!

Kim Carney said...

there is nothing more amazing than the peony! And you have captured that perfectly!

secretfragileskies said...

I will just copy "P." Masterful work!

"P. said...

Oh my god, I die from the beauty. LOVE IT, LOVE IT ALL."

Sara Baldwin said...

The peonies, the pine branches...WOW. Gorgeousness. You have a wonderful way with a view!